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Dairy Across the Lifespan

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognizes that dairy foods play an important role in healthy eating patterns from infancy through adulthood. Utilize the documents below to better understand the importance that dairy has throughout the life cycle.

Dairy Across the Lifespan Overview
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Dairy Across the Lifespan: Infants 6-11 Months
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Dairy Across the Lifespan: Toddlers 12-23 Months
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Dairy Across the Lifespan: Preschoolers
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Dairy Across the Lifespan: Grade Schoolers 6-12 Years
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Dairy Across the Lifespan: Teenagers 13-18 Years
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Dairy Across the Lifespan: Adults 19-59 Years
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Dairy Across the Lifespan: Older Adults 60+ Years
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Dairy Across the Lifespan: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
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